What will your donation achieve !
For as little as £5/US $8/AUD$8 a month you can send a child to a govenment school for a year. A government school in Nepal provides students with a basic standard of education.
For £10/US$16/AUD$16 a month a child will attend a school that would give them a higher standard of education for a year. Students can achieve A level/TEE standards at such a school.
For the sum of £150/US$235/AUD235 you can send a farmer on a Farmer’s Teacher Training course which both empowers the farmer and his/her community.
Your donation will go towards-
- School Sponsorship
- Sustainable Farming
- School Building Programme
- Training Programmes
Every donation helps the community as a whole and will help to bring about a better future for both the children and their families.
You can donate to the Sarimilla Trust either by:
- Direct Debit
- Cheque
- Cash Deposit
Donations can be made to-
Sarimilla Trust,
The Royal Bank of Scotland have closed all charity accounts we are in the process of establishing a new account with the Nat West in Kendal……please contact Steve & Dawn direct if you wish to donate
Sarimilla Trust,
Bankwest, Strickland Street,
Denmark, WA 6333
BSB 306-009 Account Number 0135150
Paypal is available for donations or please contact Rajani- see Welcome Page for contact details